Re: ??????????? die 2te

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Abgeschickt von Ralph am 29 Maerz, 2011 um 19:02:12

Antwort auf: ??????????? die 2te von Horst am 29 Maerz, 2011 um 17:01:49:

: : : Hast Du vor der letzten Deep Purple Tour nicht schon mal so eine Packung auf den Markt geschmissen?

: Hab' gesucht und gefunden: Damals fing der Text so an: "Ralph" oder Purplefan aus NL:

: Heute: "Due to a missunderstanding while buying..."

: Damals: "Due to unforseen circomstances I cannot go to the following concerts from Deep Purple in Germany"

: Und so ging's weiter als Kommentar zu Jemandem, der diesen Vorgang hinterfragt hat:

: Why the hell do you say that? Do I know you?
: If you want to know oin august I bought 6 tickets to see DP in Germany. In september my travelcompanion broke here leg. A complicated fracture. At the moment she can't even stand on here feg. Therefore I deceided to sell my tickets as she is not possible to stand for 6 shows on here leg without problems.
: And if you look at the prices you can see I'm not making money out of them as I sell them under the normal price. If you still don't believe me I can even send you a scan of the tickets and the order form from Eventim. Untill then just shut up.

: Hat Deine Reisekumpelin sich diesmal das andere Bein gebrochen?

: Übrigens werden die Tickets auch wie beim letzten Mal unter Originalpreis verkauft!

: Jetzt kann sich jeder selbst ausdenken, was das wohl heißt!

: Horst

As I want to sell my tickets and want to make it worth for someone to buy mine I made the dicission to sell them for a lower price. That's mainly it. And again why is it fishy? If you could find this message why not the one from the guy's that bought them from me the last time and had a wonderfull evening.
I can do 2 things. Throw them away or try to sell them. You can do 2 things aswell. Buy them or shut up


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