Jon Lord - Ritchie Blackmore

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Abgeschickt von Horst am 15 Juni, 2013 um 14:29:07:

Hier gibt's den musikalischen Nachruf von Ritchie Blackmore auf Jon Lord:

We were snowed in, in that blizzard (on Feb. 8). The engineer and
myself, the producer, we had nothing to do. I said, ?I have an
instrumental that I?ve vaguely finished. Do you want to try it??

- I wrote it on the spur of the moment. I had a very melancholy kind of
tune. Then I started thinking about Jon. I thought maybe we should do an
organ part at the end, as a tip of the hat to Jon. Pat Regan is an
accomplished organist. We put the organ sound on, and off he went. I
guided him on a few things, like riffs and how Jon played syncopation
with his right hand.

- So it was a throwaway idea that turned into something. It was
something to Jon, a way of saying thanks for the years. It?s hard to
talk about, when someone says, ?What did you think of Jon?? I?d rather
play a tune. We wouldn?t have put it on if we hadn?t been snowed in.
Maybe Jon caused the blizzard.


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