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Copyright und Besitzrechte

Lutz @, Donnerstag, 04. Februar 2016, 08:18 (vor 3006 Tagen) @ Heiko

DP haben bereits ihre Anwälte eingeschaltet um hierbei den Verkauf von Copyright und Besitzrechten die HEC und DPO an Plattenaufnahmen haben zu unterbinden. Es geht wohl auch um Tantiemen.

"We, (Ian Gillan, Ian Paice and Roger Glover, being continuing members of Deep Purple and Victoria Lord, representing Jon Lord, who was a member of the group until his death) commenced legal proceedings against both DPO and HEC and in particular those proceedings concern the ownership of various Deep Purple sound recording and song copyrights and the income generated thereby.

In short our position is that neither HEC nor DPO can, if it is their intention, dispose of or deal with those copyrights as between themselves and unidentified third parties. Our lawyers are, notwithstanding the two companies going into administration, instructed to progress and enforce our rights in relation to those copyrights (amongst other matters)."


Lutz ;-)

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