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Die Band ...

Witchy Nightmare, Samstag, 20. Februar 2016, 13:20 (vor 2990 Tagen) @ Jonas

...und IP übergehst du als Mitbegründer? Oder schließt du Roundabout mir ein?

... wurde gegründet auf Initiative von Ritchie Blackmore und Jon Lord. Ich glaube, das meinte Bernd.

Meine Meinung zu dem ganzen HOF-Zirkus habe ich wie folgt íns runboard-Forum gesetzt:

If I would consider this HOF thing being something important, it would make me very sad. Gladly it's just a circus thing, and the way the things concerning DP's induction have developed proves once more that it's a circus thing.

But however, I'm not surprised that Gillan refuses to play with Blackmore. It would be considered by many fans as the greatest moment in DP's history since Blackmore's departure. It would be celebrated as a moment of magic, a dream coming true - DP with Blackmore playing in the 21st century. And it would put 22 years of DP without Blackmore in the shadow. Of course Gillan doesn't want that.

Another thing is that he ruled out Coverdale and Hughes too. He could have played with them without risking the current band getting damaged somehow. The DP legacy isn't focussed around them as much as around Blackmore. And this really upsets me although I don't consider all this being important.

If the HOF committee is a bit wise, they induct Rainbow next year. Then they could honour Ritchie Blackmore's life achievement in an appropriate way.

Keep on rockin'

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