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Kommentar von Gillan

John Stew, Samstag, 19. Dezember 2015, 21:23 (vor 3052 Tagen) @ Witchy Nightmare

auf seiner Website Caramba:

"Dear Friends, Families and Fans,

Putting the past shenanigans to one side, the induction is not - in clear fact - for Deep Purple.

It is an arbitrary selection of past members, which excludes Steve Morse and Don Airey; both of whom have been with the living breathing DP for a very long time.

Obviously this is very silly, and so my response is quite simple: 'Thank you very much'.

And….what a coincidence…This morning I got an invitation to a wedding from some dear old friends. Unfortunately my family was not invited and they said that I would be required to sit next to my ex (we divorced decades ago) at the wedding feast.

They were shocked when I called to thank them and decline the invitation.

Cheers, Ian Gillan"

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